Export guides to PDF

Now, easily export the guides to PDF and share it on emails!

1 min read

17 Mar, 2024

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Make the guide once and export it in all the formats!

I always wanted MotionShot to serve the solution holistically. Understanding that the video format does not cover all the use cases, I got feedback to be able to download the guide in a PDF format. I have been working on it for a few days now, and the option is finally enabled on the app now!

Now, along with MP4, GIF formats, you can export the guide into PDF and Images. The PDF contains all the steps as images, with annotations zoomed in. This lets your customers or users quickly scroll through the guide and follow it up!

The Images option comes in very handy when you are a content creator or designer and want to repurpose the guide inside your content or designs. I don't like MotionShot customers locking in their guides. Hope these options help you out!

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